Peace Stories


Peace People 2004 Documentary by Kathleen Gallagher and Ruth Greenaway, National Radio, Environment Show, 2004.

Featuring a compilation of interviews with peace activists: Rev. Alan Brash, Jack Rogers, Mary Woodward, Dr. Kate Dewes, Jules and Lynda Topp, Maire Leadbeater, Larry Ross and Pauline Tangiora

Reverend Dr. George Armstrong

George Armstrong, photo by Gil Hanly
"Turn this bloody thing around!" interview with George Armstrong by Justin Gregory, Eyewitness, Radio New Zealand, 26 October 2016.
"Dr George Armstrong, New Zealand renegade priest, human rights and nuclear protester, trendsetting humanitarian" interviewed by Tim Lynch, GreenplanetFM, 25 August 2016.
'Feature Guest - George Armstrong' interviewed by Kathryn Ryan, Nine to Noon, Radio New Zealand, 12 August 2011.
Speech by George Armstrong at the Canterbury Museum Opening of Nuclear Free New Zealand, an exhibition and celebration of the 20th anniversary of New Zealand's Nuclear Free Legislation and the beginning of the World Court Project, 7 May 2007.
Interview with George Armstrong transcribed oral interview by Ruth Greenaway, 21 July 2003.


Jocelyn Armstrong

Jocelyn Armstrong
Christians, morality and the nuclear issue by Ken Coates, The Press, 21 March 1985.
Working For Peace With Justice - The National Council of Churches an interview with Jocelyn Armstrong by Marjorie Pierce, Peacelink, October 1985.





Colin Ayers to top ^

Colin Ayers
Interview with Colin Ayers by Kathleen Gallagher, 2005.




Mary Baker

Mary Baker

Mary Baker - Honouring the Prophets The Common Good, No. 29, 2004.
Interview with Mary Baker by Kathleen Gallagher, 23 February 2004.




Archie Barrington

Archie Barrington

Archie Barrington discusses conscientious objection, New Zealand History (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 15 July 2013.
Barrington, Archibald Charles by Carol Markwell, Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, 2000.


May Bass

May Bass

Holding the front for peace, by Lynda Drumm, Waikato Times, 26 September 1992.





Millicent Baxter

Millicent Baxter

The pain, fear and joy of being a life-time pacifist by Sue Stover, The Press, 17 November 1979.





Reverend Dr. Alan Brash

Alan Brash

Courageous clergyman by Mike Crean, The Press, 31 August 2007.
Interview With The Very Reverend Dr. Alan Brash - Part 1 by Dorothy Hunt, NZine, 23 July 1999.
Interview With The Very Reverend Dr. Alan Brash - Part 2 by Dorothy Hunt, NZine, 30 July 1999.
The man who looked for peace in Prague by Michael Brett, The Auckland Star, 6 July 1983.


Jim Chapple

Jim Chapple

Interview with Jim Chapple by Ruth Greenaway, 25 July 2003.
Peace activist on mission, Southland Times, 16 September 1988.
On the road with 'madness' message by John Francis, Wanganui Herald, 18 June 1983.


Dr Neil Cherry to top ^

Recipient of 2002 Christchurch Peace City Award

Mayor Garry Moore presents Peace City Award to Dr Neil Cherry
Life Story of Dr Neil Cherry


Moana Cole

Moana Cole

Fighting for the freedom of others by Christopher Moore, The Press, 29 March 2003.
From courtroom to prison and back by Todd Nicholls, New Zealand's Woman's Weekly, 16 June 2001.
Of Bombs And Baby Bottles by Jim Consedine, Listener & TV Times, 26 August 1991.
Why Moana went to jail for her beliefs by Liz Johnston, The Australian Women's Weekly, March 1991.


John Curnow

John Curnow

John Curnow Obituary, The Press, 30 July 1991.
John Curnow Obituary, by Murray Horton, July 1991.




Lindsay Crozier

Lindsay Crozier

Lindsay Crozier 1914 - 1992 - a Christian Pacifist who stood up for his beliefs NZine, 18 January 2008.





Sonja Davies

NZ battler for rights of women by Diana Dekker, The Press, 18 June 2005.
A fire that burns for peace by Suzanne Pollard, The Dominion, 27 March 1986.
Tireless voice in name of protest by Arnold Pickmere, NZ Herald, 18 June 2005.


Reverend Ian Dixon


Padre found Hiroshima a 'shattering experience' by Mike Crean, The Press, 25 April 2003.
Peace, Hiroshima and Anzac Day by Ian Dixon, NZine, 5 June 2003.




Dr. Kate Dewes

Kate Dewes

Interview with Kate Dewes by Kathleen Gallagher and Ruth Greenaway, 27 March 2004.
'I'll Mind the Babies So You Can Stop the Warship' by Glenys Bowman, N.Z.W.W., 1 May 1989.
'Hopeful Signs' at Disarmament Talks, The Press, 6 July 1988.


Rod Donald

Rod Donald

People's politician happy to muck in by Keith Locke, Mainlander, 12 November 2005.
A passionate Kiwi, The Press, 7 November 2005.
Tribute to Rod Donald by Murray Horton, 7 November 2005.



Lincoln and Morva Efford

Lincoln EffordMorva
Lincoln Efford Biography, by Nicola Barnett, Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand.
Lincoln Efford, presentation by Brent Efford.
A herstory of Morva by Brent Efford.


Harold Evans

Harold Evans
Activist criticised own kind too, Obituary by The Press, The Dominion Post, 27 April 2006.
Dedicated peace crusader, Obituary by Mike Crean, The Press, April 2006.
Obituary for Harold Evans, by Kate Dewes, for Peace Researcher, Easter 2006.
Nuke fighter bows out with victory, by Yvonne Martin, NZ Sunday Star Times, 14 July 1996.
One-man mass movement, by Phil Twyford, Auckland Star, 4 October 1988.
One man's voice against nuclear arms, by Greg Ansley, The Star, 2 December 1988.
Queen told how to do her job in open letter, by Ken Coates, The Press, 19 October 1983.
Harold Evans, S.M., turned his back on the Establishment, by Gary Arthur, The Press, 20 June 1980.


Harry Evison


Harry Evison Obituary by Murray Horton, June 2015.
The 1948-49 Anti-Conscription Campaign - An Eye-Witness Account by Harry Evison, Chapter 4, New Zealand as I Knew It, by Harry Evison, 1946-49, Revised January 2012.







Wilfred (Will) Foote to top ^

Will Foote

Four years hard labour for refusing to fight Will Foote Obituary by Mike Crean, The Press, 27 September 2014.
No More War by W J Foote, The Glen Press, Christchurch, May 2014.
Passing Bells by W J Foote, The Glen Press, Christchurch, April 2009.
Veteran peace activist writes 12th book by Chris Tobin, Nor' West News, 29 April 2009.
The Peace Movement In Christchurch A Memoir by W.J. Foote, The Glen Press, Christchurch, November 2007.
Veteran points the way to a peaceful world by Kate Shuttleworth, Nor' West News, 9 August 2006.
In good conscience by Mike Crean, The Press, 6 May 2006.
Bread and water: The escape and ordeal of two New Zealand World War II conscientious objectors by WJ (Will) Foote, with Chris Palmer and Merv Browne. The free audio book read by the publisher Philip Garside is downloadable from this website or click here for the direct link.
In Memory of Will Foote, Peace Movement Aotearoa


Geoff Gregory and Scientists Against Nuclear Arms

Geoff Gregory

An Anti-nuclear Journey by Geoff Gregory, November 2018.





Nicky Hager

Nicky Hager

Nicky Hager: Let the US send a warship by Nicky Hager, NZ Herald, 9 June 2016.
NZ involved in West's global spying network by Brad Walker, 4 October 1996.
This is no time to abandon NZ's nuclear-free stance by Nicky Hager, Evening Post, 30 August 1995.



Gil and Pat Hanly

A life in focus by Judy Bailey, Australian Women's Weekly, December 2018.
Life's Celebrant by John Coley, The Press, 29 September 2004.
Painter for peace leaves rich legacy by Hamish Keith, Sunday Times, 26 September 2004.
Gil HanlyPat Hanly


Stan Hemsley

Stan Hemsley

Battler for peace and environment by Mike Crean, The Press, 12 May 2007.
Stan Hemsley Obituary by Larry Ross, 7 May 2007.
Tireless voice in name of protest by David Gee, 10 February 1997.
Stan taking protest to the top by Jeremy Flint, Christchurch Star, 11 January 1992.


Hone and Hilda Harawira

Hone and Hilda

Committed to Peace, The Press by Mavis Airey, 13 June 1987.
Making Aotearoa Nuclear Free: Hone Harawira, Press Release by the Maori Party, Scoop, 12 June 2007.
Aim not just nuclear free but independent, Waateanews, 8 June 2017.
Te Kawariki protest group led by Hone and Hilda Harawira Waka Huia Archive, 11 April 1999.


Te Miringa Hohaia

Te Miringa Hohaia

Parihaka Peace Festival director dies, 17 August 2010.
Parihaka 2010, interview with Te Miringa Hohaia, NiceUp, 11 December 2009.
Parihaka Peace Festival 2008 Te Miringa Hohaia



Murray Horton to top ^

Murray Horton

Horton's latter-day pilgrim's progress by Chris Trotter, The Press, 13 May 2014.
Interview with Murray Horton by Greg Jones, November 2008.
The Campaign Against Conscription by Murray Horton, 1974.
The Secret History of WWII, by Murray Horton, 1974, (originally published in Canta the University of Canterbury student newspaper which Horton edited at the time).



Katherine Knight

Katherine Knight

In Search of Peace A Chapter in the life of Kath Knight, by Don Smart, Wordsell Press, Auckland, 2012.
Published with permission from the author Don Smart and the publishers Wordsell Press, Auckland, 2009.
Testimony to the Grace of God, New Zealand Friends Newsletter, October 2001.
Peace - The Impossible Dream, N.Z.W.W., September 9 1985.
She Hopes The World Will Find Peace, The Greymouth Evening Star, 29 June 1983.


Maire Leadbeater

 Maire Leadbeater, photo by Gil Hanly

Interview with Maire Leadbeater by Sarah Greenaway, 21 May 2004.
"Maire Leadbeater on Peace and Social Justice" interviewed by Tim Lynch, GreenplanetFM, 25 October 2015.


Bob Leonard to top ^

Bob Leonard

Veteran protester learned activism in 60s California by Mike Crean, The Press, August 24 2013.
Campaigner at peace by Murray Horton, National Business Review, August 23 2013.
Bob Leonard,Veteran Anti-Bases Activist, Died Last Week by Murray Horton, Scoop, 20 August 2013.


Elsie Locke

Elsie Locke

Looking for Answers: A Life of Elsie Locke by Maureen Birchfield, purchasable at this link.
Elsie Locke, 1912–2001 by Philip Steer, Kōtare Special Issue — Essays in New Zealand Literary Biography Series One: Women Prose Writers to World War I, 2007.
Elsie Locke Obituary by Murray Horton, Converge.
Elsie Locke: 1912-2001 by Brian Easton, 22 November 2001.
Elsie Locke: A Tribute, by Jackie Matthews, Rosemary Du Plessis, Alison Locke, Libby Plumridge and Gina Moss, 2001.
Little lady had an immense presence by Mike Crean, The Press, 12 April 2001.
Tiny, tireless crusader farewelled, by Christine Rush, The Press, 14 April 2001.
Elsie Locke: anti-nuclear arms veteran, by Ken Coates, The Press, 24 December 1991.
Cooperation and Conflict: Pakeha and Maori in Historical Perspective, by Elsie Locke, The New Zealand Foundation for Peace Studies, 1988.
Peaks and troughs of the protest movement, by John Goulter, Christchurch Star, 15 June 1983.
A-Bombs Among The Tahitians, by Elsie Locke, Christchurch, 1968.


Keith Locke

Keith Locke

Lock, Stock But No Smoking Barrel, by Anthony Hubbard, Star Times, 8 Feburary 2009.
Unpopular peacenik unshaken, by Nick Venter, Dominion, 21 September 2001.


Bunny McDiarmid

Bunny McDiarmid
Bunny McDiarmid Deckhand, Eyes of Fire.
Bunny McDiarmid takes top international Greenpeace role, by Rosa Davis, Gulf News, 21 January 2016.
Bunny McDiarmid - Life and Influences, from Sunday Morning, 5 July 2015.
Interview with Bunny McDiarmid by Kathleen Gallagher, for the film Tau Te Mauri Breath of Peace, 2004.


Alistair Mackenzie

Alistair Mackenzie

How I Became a Conscientious Objector, by Alistair Mackenzie
Conscientious Objection Statement, by Alistair Mackenzie







Muriel Morrison to top ^

Muriel Morrison

The Life of a Woman - Muriel Morrison Part 1 - Part 4 by Elwyn Clements, 1994.
The Life of a Woman - Muriel Morrison Part 5 - Part 12 by Elwyn Clements, 1994.
A lifetime devoted to the peace movement, Muriel Morrison Obituary by Olwen Palmer, Star, 10 September 1986.


Marjorie Ockenden

Peace and foreign aid worker by Mike Crean, The Press, 14 December 2002.
Enough War Stories Thanks by Brian McGlinchy, a history of the Ockenden family.


Patricia Morrison

Recipient of 2002 Christchurch Peace City Award Patricia Morrison

Interview with Patricia Morrison by Ruth Greenaway, 13 January 2001.




John Murray

John Murray

Man of peace fought for human rights, John Murray obituary by Laura Dooney, The Press, 19 April 2017.






Rosa Oliver

Rosa Oliver

Rosa Oliver obituaries, by Evin Wood and Murray Horton, 2012.






Fred Page to top ^

Fred Page

Fred Page: anti-war movement founder,The Press, 13 November 1991.






Viola Palmer

Viola Palmer

Peace Action group in it for the long haul by Sandra Simpson.






Rose Plumridge


Dr Ian Prior

A Celebration of the Life and Work of Ian Prior

Ian Prior Obituaries, by Nick Wilson and Cath Wallace, Foreign Control Watchdog, August 2009.
Dr Ian Prior - a very public physician, activist, humanitarian and supporter of the arts by Peter Isaac, Pacific Ecologist, Winter 2009.
A leader in the field of public health, Ian Prior obituary by Peter Kitchin, Dominican Post, 26 February 2009.
A Celebration of the Life and Work of Ian Prior, tribute by George Salmond, 25 February 2000.
Reflecting and looking forward, by Ian Prior, from The Health of Pacific Societies, Eds. Philippa Howden-Chapman & Alistair Woodward, 25 February 2000.
In the cause of peace, by Simon Collins, City Voice, 7 November 1996.


Arthur Reddish

Arthur Reddish

Peace prize for Wanganui man by John Francis, Wanganui Herald, 28 May 1983.






Norman and Betty Roberts

Norbet Awards

Betty Roberts Obituary by Murray Horton, Foreign Control Watchdog, 7 December 2010.
Norman Roberts Obituary by Mike Crean, The Press, 11 December 2010.
Betty Roberts: An unbending campaigner by Bruce Rennie, The Press, 29 September 2008.




Jack Rogers

Jack Rogers

Conscientous objector suffered for his beliefs The Press, 16 March 2018.
Jack Rogers – Man of peace prepared to suffer for his convictions


Larry Ross to top ^

Recipient of 2002 Christchurch Peace City Award Larry Ross

Nuclear Free Peacemaker - Video celebrating 30th Anniversary of Nuclear Free NZ, June 2017. A tribute to the late Larry Ross.
Leading figure in NZ anti-nuclear crusade Obituary, The Press, May 5 2012.
Larry Ross Obituary by Murray Horton Foreign Control Watchdog 130, August 2012.
History of New Zealand's Nuclear Free Zone, The life and work of Larry Ross - an autobiography, Nuclear Free Peacemakers, 2006.
Interview with Larry Ross by Ruth Greenaway, 2nd June and 9th June, 2003.
New Zealand Nuclear-Free Peacemaking Association Brief History of the New Zealand Nuclear-Free Zone by Larry Ross, 1992.
Interview with Larry Ross and Rangiora Group, by Carol Decolville, Close Up TV, 14 September 1983.


Dame Laurie Salas

Dame Laurie Salas

Passionate advocate for women and peace, by Bess Manson, The Press, 9 April 2017.
A Life Story—Peace campaigner Dame Laurie Salas dies, aged 94, by Bess Manson, Stuff, 8 April 2017.
A Peaceful Pursuit by Rosemary Vincent, N.Z.W.W., 8 December 1986.
Family background influenced devotion to social progress, Otago Daily Times, 4 February 2017.


Ron Smith

Ron Smith

Avowed Marxist and Stalwart Peace Activist, Evening Post, 26 June 1995.
Stirring Time for Campaigner by Marta Steeman, August 1987.


Bill Sykes

Bill Sykes

Bill Sykes: a botanist-activist, by Derrick Rooney, The Press, 11 February 1993.
Man of peace, insects and expert on weeds, by Grant Rosoman, Christchurch Star, 7 November 1992.


Connie Summers

Connie Summers

Frank pacifist stuck to anti-war beliefs by Mike Crean, The Press, 17 January 2009.
Celebrations of war anger pacifist Connie by Mike Crean, The Star, 6 January 1993.
'Conshies' get-together—war-time comrades with a difference recall their battles by Garry Arthur, The Press, 14 October 1986.
Standing up for peace by David Grant, NZ Listener, 19 July 1986.


Mia Tay to top ^

Recipient of 2002 Christchurch Peace City Award Mia Tay

Mia Tay Obituary The Press, 19 July 2014.
Mia Tay Obituary by Kate Dewes, 2014.
"There But for the Grace of God go I" Mia Tay's story as told to Susan Bourke, 1998.
Always something to do for peace Tribute by Mia Tay to father, Jos Brusse, Wanganui Chronicle, 14 November 1987.


Richard Thompson


Diana Unwin

Diana Unwin

Remembrances, WILPF Aotearoa Newsletter, 2015.
Tribute to Diana Unwin by Chris Greenwood, "WILPF Aotearoa Newsletter", 2014.
The woman behind Mrs Wilf, Philanthropy New Zealand, 2014.




Alyn Ware

Alyn Ware

Alyn Ware, Peace Leaders, The Simons Foundation.
The Right Livelihood Award, Press Release, 2009.
The nuclear end may be nigh by Pat Baskett, NZ Herald, 17 February 1996.
Nuclear-free pioneers still hard on the trail by Pat Baskett, NZ Herald, August 1993.
Kiwis leading nuke moves, Sunday Star, 1 August 1993.
Tauranga stake in bid for nuclear ban, Bay of Plenty Times, 13 January 1993.
NZ classroom skills at UN, NZ Herald, 14 January 1991.


Bob White

Bob White Obituary
Bob White


Wilton Willis

Wilton Willis

Wilton Willis Obituary by Marie Leadbeater, Watchdog, December 2006.



Mary Woodward

Woodward -1969 SA Parl steps anti-Nixon demo

Edited transcript of an interview with Mary Woodward by Ruth Greenaway in Auckland, 23rd July, 2003.
Mary Woodward's Life talk by Jack Woodward
Mary Woodward by Bobbie Woodward, an article published in the Aotearoa New Zealand Friends Newsletter May 2012 issue.
Mary McMillan's Story, an autobiography of Mary's early life.




Owen Wilkes to top ^


Owen Wilkes obituary by Simon Cuming, July 2007.
Collection of Obituaries dedicated to Owen Wilkes in Peace Researcher 31, October 2005.
"Better to go now": Owen Wilkes 1940-2005, by Neville Ritchie, Archaeology in New Zealand 48(3): 221–241, 2005.
Tributes to Owen Wilkes
Kiwi on the peace trail by Paul Panckhurst, Auckland Star, 21 October 1983.


Helen Yensen

Helen Yensen

Helen Yensen Obituary by Maire Leadbeater, Foreign Control 138, April 2015.






Peace Group histories

Peace Foundation to top ^

Peace Foundation
Aotearoa/New Zealand Peace Foundation History: The First 20 Years


Voices Against War

Details many stories of women, men and their families throughout Canterbury who opposed conscription and militarism, supported the conscientious objectors (COs), and campaigned for a new world order before during and after World War I


The Nuclear-Freeing of Rangiora

by Chris King, 1997 Chris King





Visual Artists Against Nuclear Arms (VAANA)

Link Title

A History of Visual Artists Against Nuclear Arms (VAANA) by Margaret Lawlor-Bartlett, November 2018.
A Pacific Phoenix — The VAANA Peace Mural by Riemke Ensing, Art New Zealand, Winter 2009, No. 131.
Paintings for Peace by Riemke Ensing, Art New Zealand, Winter 1986, No. 31.



Golden Bay Peace Group

Golden Bay Peace Groupd

Interview with Golden Bay Peace Group Members, Spectrum RNZ, 20 February 2011.







Nuclear Free Nelson

The Path to Nuclear Free Nelson, by Richard Frizzell, 2015.
The Power of People: How Nelson Province Became Nuclear Free by W.J. Foote, March 1999.
Nelson says no to nukes, The Nelson Evening Mail, 23 September 1983.
N-free zone meets little opposition, The Nelson Evening Mail, 3 September 1983.


Nuclear Weapon Free Wellington

30 Years of Nuclear Weapon Free Wellington by Helene Ritchie, 2012.
City swamped by a bow-wave of change by Peter Kitchin, The Dominion Post, 14 April 2007.


Nuclear Weapon Free Mt Herbert

How Mt Herbert became a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone. (N.W.F.Z.) by Susan Snelgrove, New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone Committee, October 1983.


Sumner Peace Group to top ^

Recipient of 2002 Christchurch Peace AwardSumner Peace Group

Sumner Peace Group History narrated by Jean Thompson, written by Linda Persson, 2003.





Christian Pacifist Society

Recipient of 2002 Christchurch Peace AwardChristian Pacifist Society

Archie Barrington discusses conscientious objection, Ministry for Culture and Heritage, updated 15 Jul 2013.
The Second World War at home – In dissent, Ministry for Culture and Heritage, updated 20 Dec 2012.



Anglican Pacifists

"To Leaven the Lump": A Critical History of the Anglican Pacifist Fellowship in New Zealand by Zane Mather, Masters Thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, 2011.


Baptist Pacifists to top ^

Early Christian Pacifists In Christchurch: Creating Division In The Fight For Peace, by Dr Laurie Guy, paper presented in Christchurch at the Anglican Pacifist Society meeting, 26 August 2006.

Permission has been granted either by the interviewee or their families for the publication of the interviews by Kathleen Gallagher and Ruth Greenaway. The original tapes and transcripts will be stored at the Macmillan Brown Library at the University of Canterbury.