Disarmament & Security Centre

In 1998, the Disarmament & Security Centre (DSC) was established as a specialist centre of the Peace Foundation, directed by Kate Dewes and Robert Green from their Christchurch home. Kate had previously coordinated the Peace Foundation's South Island office from her home from 1980-1998.

In 2004 the DSC became a separately incorporated body and remains a part of the wider Peace Foundation 'family'. It has its own Council and was named Te Whare Maukaroko (the House of Peace) by the DSC kaumatua (elder) and Maori chief Reverend Maurice Gray.

The broad objective of the DSC is to provide a resource centre for alternative thinking on disarmament and security issues, both within Aotearoa/New Zealand and internationally. Currently the work focuses on promoting the World Court's 1996 Advisory Opinion on nuclear weapons and its implications; exposing the fallacies of nuclear deterrence and offering safer alternative security strategies; promoting the United Nations Study on Disarmament and Non Proliferation Education; and implementing the Peace City recommendations adopted by the Christchurch City Council in May 2002.

Achievements include: